Monday, March 14, 2005

Okay, this blog may get a little out there..cuz really if you haven't noticed I'm a little out there myself. I was just inspired so I have to put it down. It may get a little mushy too...which I will try to stay away from..

I told this guy today that he reminds me of music.

You know when your so ..fascinated with someone that everything seems to relate to them some how? With some people it could be a smell,color,place,animal..anything. I had a friend tell me once that I reminded her of Athena, the goddess of war..strong,passionate, a fighter..

Anyway..he reminds me of music. He's that little tune that gets stuck in your head and you can't figure out why. Like lyrics..he's right there but yet you have to read in between the lines to understand him and even then you just never might figure him out. Sometimes he can make you feel so happy and other times...not so much. But it doesn't matter how he makes you feel because you still want him in your life anyway.

Don't mistake me..I'm not obsessed. I don't have a shrine to him or anything like that. But I could be having a total shit time...and it seems like I will hear something that reminds me of him and I can stop and just have a moment, a suspended stillness.. I just think that if he were there and saw me wigging out he would wink at me and just say "aww cupcake" (or something equally aggrivating) and I have no choice to smile and move on. Its kinda embarrassing really.

Like a favorite song, I could never pick just one that reminds me of him because there are so many that fit the different ways I feel about him. The songs I hear when he makes me feel all goofy inside,or mad and frustrated or occasionally when I want to cry over him...There are a ton of them that I think all fit him too..I couldn't pick one to explain how I see him.

I don't really remeber where I was going with this blog. I kinda just started rambling without really having a direction. Its always weird when people inspire me.

I guess I see him as somewhat as an equal..someone I really have a genuine respect for. I respect most people on a basic level, lord knows if you can live this life no matter how you do it you deserve respect. There are a few people in my life though that impact me in a way, sometimes I can't even explain how..that makes a difference in me.

I'll be writing more about the people in my life now..and how they impact me, I think I need to in order to figure out just how I got to where I am now and where I need to go uhmm..stayed tuned I (I'm such a loser...:P )


Blogger mask_of_lies said...

It's nice to know that your still here, and thank you for everything. To me it really means alot :)

7:34 PM  

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