Sunday, July 16, 2006

Kris does the news...and the news enjoyed it.

This weekend in the news our cool guy of the week award goes to Mr.T

It has been reported Mr.T has been said to have "shed" the gold chains that have long been apart of his image. T decided that after having witnessed the destruction of hurricane Katrina and spending time with victims in the big easy that it would be disrespectful to his God to showcase his wealth while being around people who had lost so much.

Everyone say it with me now...AWWW!!! You sir really do belong on the "A team!"

Moving on to the "Who gives a Fuck?!" catagory I am sad to say that following reports of more bombings in foreign countries and the importance of the G8 summit which is currently going on in Russia, the 3rd most important headline of the day is the weekend wedding of Avril Lavinge and Derrik Whibley. WTF? Excuse me but why the hell is this making national news? Ohh right because they are Canadian. No mind to the fact that they didn't even get hitched in Canada... yeah thats fantastic. There was more detail about their nuptuals than the current war situation in the East. I guess they want to report about the wedding now because they know the war is still going to be going in six months.

I hear that they were still debating on where to spend the honeymoon and Avril had her sights set on Paris, Whibley declined stating that including him everyone has already "done" Paris ;) * the Sum 41 frontman dated the bicycle heiress before he hooked up with Lavinge.*

Our last item of the day is the weather: "Today looks warm and sunny with a possible chance of rain but probably not". "Its most likely going to be warm with temperatures in the high 20's possibly even 30's but you never really know." "Mother nature is funny that way isn't she folks?" So remember, wear sunscreen and a hat but bring a jacket just in case and if it does rain please remember we just report the weather we don't make it!" "Have a nice weekend everyone!"


Blogger The Goddess said...

i heard that someone got married on the sly, but i didn't ever hear who it was...good ole avril. what a sad day in canadian history this is...

5:59 AM  
Blogger David Rumer said...

Several comments:

1) Great job reporting...
2) I don't know why... but the Avril wedding strangely interests me.... I have no idea why, but I love celebrity news... but then again... I just love news.
3) well said though, Avril has no place on the front page! Lethbridge Herald has always been known for it's piss poor world news... you should write a letter.


6:03 AM  
Blogger that girl said...

thanks guys!

I have often thought about writing letters to the herald but I'm always scared someone I know is going to be like "That letter you write sucks, your such a jerk" and then I would have to beat them up and ruin my nails :) but ya never know right?

7:18 AM  

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