Thursday, July 06, 2006

7 deadly sins and a little complaining throw in.

This is gonna be a long, long post...long. you were warned.

First of all I would like to address the fact that my basement stinks. I have repeatedly asked my parents to light a damn candle or something but they don't seem to take the hint. I think I'm going to just go around and fabreeze everything. I like basements and all but I like my space to smell nice. Is it too much to ask to put out a dish of some fucking potpourri?

Second of all when the hell did my social life just wither up and die? Yes I am a mom and yes I still have somewhat of a life, I work,shop,go for coffee,cook ect. But nobody goes out anymore. Most of my friends work later nights or I work on the days they have off which really sucks. I need to get out..not just go to Walmart for an hour either. I would love to actually do myself up a bit and maybe see a a theater *gasp!* or go to dinner in a restaurant that doesn't ask "Would you like to supersize that?" I don't need to have intelligent conversation, witty banter or a burping contest I just want to get away from my family for a few hours and not have to be stressing about a poopy diaper or a feeding.

But that would have to involve me knowing people that might be available to go out to said places. Also having money is an issue mostly because I don't have any lol.

My other issue is that I am feeling muy *that's very* unattractive lately. Its going to sound silly but I think its because I'm under a different kind of stress. When I was with my ex the weight practically fell off *even when I was preg which is not good* but now that he's not in my life at the moment I've packed it back on. I think its because eating is how I deal with having my son 24/7. Its about the only thing I have any control over anymore. Eating the one thing that specifically belongs to me. I don't have to think about anyone or anything else when I eat.

*Sigh* I am guilty of the sin of Gluttony. Oh and lust. Which goes back in a round about way to not feeling sexy. I mean Is it horny in here or is it just me? If anyone else has the following problem I would like to know but it seems like every now and then I am inexplicably randy. I mean I wouldn't go out and throw it at the first guy who offered but I definitely would make it worth someone's while.

I suppose its even harder to deal with because I don't have a lot of "alone" time if you catch my drift. If you don't than your obviously lying to yourself about the fact that you have rubbed one out. But yeah the only time I get to myself is when I'm sleeping *not really cuz the kid sleeps in my room* so its in the bathtub. The sad thing is, its become a basic function rather than any kind of pleasure. To be honest I would rather just have a shot of tequila and call it a day.

Hmm sounds like I'm also guilty of wrath too. Sometimes I get so frustrated *not always like that* but just twisted over stuff that I just want to punch someone's face in. Could I? uhmm probably not. Mostly cuz I'm weak like a kitten but because I couldn't really justify walking up to someone and punching them in the face. ( not without a proper introduction at least).

Well since I'm on a roll I might as well continue on to Envy. I envy the people that still have their freedom. Going back to the wrath for a moment I hate when they complain about it "Ohh I'm so busy and I have no time to do what I want anymore" but yet they still go to movies and go to the bars and can party till 3 am if they want to. Its like "You know what man? Suck it the fuck up" Yeah I know that there are people out there that have it waaay worse than I do. I'm very fortunate to have my parents helping out with my kid but some people don't know when to count their blessings. I was talkin to a friend of mine from Sask the other day and her son goes back and forth between her and the father so that they can have every couple other weeks off. I don't have that option. So don't whine to me that its your "week" to look after your kid and your missing a great party. Fuck the fuck off.

Okay that puts me at: Wrath,envy,gluttony,lust..what else am I missing.. oh yeah, pride,sloth and greed.

Pride? LOL I have none. Absolutely none. actually thats a I'm doing so good at this :P I guess being overly proud of my son could be a sin.. nah..he really is the smartest coolest kid in the world, no make that universe. See what I mean?

Greed, I think when applying to me it ties in with lust. I like having my way with men I fancy and I like having it often. I suppose thats very greedy and while usually warmly receipted in most cases ultimately destructive. I won't get into how. I had a boyfriend once who knowing that sex had been on my mind ALL day tried to be funny and refuse me. Needless to say I got laid that night and he learned never to cross me again. Yeah I realize that he still got sex out of the deal and he may never admit it but I think he was surprised to find out that women can be just as aggressive about getting what they want as men can.

Lastly..sloth. This really is one of the only sins I can say that I don't honestly do a lot of. When you have a little person dependent on your for its survival..well you can kiss goodbye sleeping in and being unproductive. Although sometimes my son and I like to lay on the floor together and watch t.v. He likes Simpsons so that usually makes for some good quality time.

There you have it. Another completely self indulgent post for you all to read. Enjoy Bitches! :)


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