Oh thats just awesome...
Arrgh matey's!
Today is international talk like a pirate day!
Seriously. Wiki'd it.
Now all I need is an eye patch,wooden leg *how sexy* and a big ass sword. Also looking for a first mate and some booty! (no not that kind of booty, but hey whatever lol)
Things I miss:
Bon jovi circa 83: Dude, if the old BJ saw the new BJ they would kick their metro sissy asses all the way back to Jersey.
Etch a Sketch: I had so much fun with these growing up, mostly because I kept wrecking my slinkys. My kid is so getting one when he's old enough.
The black Micheal Jackson: Before he became a kiddy diddler and when "Thriller" was the coolest thing ever. Thank god they still show it on Halloween.
My innocence: HA just kidding. I know exactly where that went and how many times ago...
M.B- Quit being pissy and just be my friend. I never cared about anything else. Besides we'll always have er..Paris? whatever. :P I miss talking to you.
Penny candies- they were tiny but you could buy a ton because they were only a penny! you can't get anything for a penny anymore. Now its a penny and one penny tax. Stupid govt.
Making delicious cakes-Everyone else eats them and then they will all be fatter than me and I will look svelte by comparison *MWHAHAHAH!* so evil.
Cash is doing better today and he slept better last night, he only woke up 3 times and then slept for most of the day. So did mommy, well in between baking, laundry and the like. I'm sleeping on the couch until we get the seperate rooms set up. That way he can't hear me and it doesn't bother him. Its not the most comfortable couch in the world but it will do. Its worth it if he sleeps better anyway.
Talk like a pirate day even made the news here. hahaha!
I miss BJ's too....*sigh* hahaha!
it made the news here too!!
y'all are so funny!!
i miss, like really really miss, two things
spokey-dokes and slap bands
spokey dokes..are those the little things that you put on your bike spokes? Cuz if they are..those were rad. Keeks, we still sell slap braclets....
they got banned here...
yeah, you know spokey dokes
I miss Pop ups.
They were like, rubber that you pushed inside out, and put on the ground and within a couple of seconds it would 'pop' and bounce up. If slapbands were banned then these probably were too. Stupid Banning People!!
I'll be your piratey first mate!! Ohh ohh, pick me, pick me!
why would they ban them?
adam, sure you can be the first mate. As long as you don't mind being bossed around by a woman :)
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