Friday, March 25, 2005

once again its 8:00 and I just got home. I am so tired and stressed from last night that I actually have the shakes. We did 1900$ on a fucking 3 split. It was pretty much a Saturday night bar rush..on a fucking thursday. Damn long weekends. It didn't help that the cooks we had are like, fresh off the short bus. We finally had to call one of the guys who actually knew what he was doing to come in and help. I mean, I sympathize with the cooks..its a tough job but seriously...get your shit together and don't be too proud to ask for help. Your not impressing anyone your only pissing us off. That my friend is a bad thing to do. Although,oddly enough I was the one keeping it all together. I gave up my usual temper tantrums in place of keeping the peace and making sure everyone stayed (sorta) sane. Pat on the back for me.

I was slightly lucky because I didn't really have any rowdy tables. I got a lot of my regulars and had a lot of people request to be served by me. Because,well I'm the shit. haha. I had two tables fight over who loved me more lol.

It was insane though, we still had the place packed at 5:00 am! I asked my sister in law (who is semi religious) if she thought that god was laughing at us. She said most definitly..

I'm thinking I'm just going to go have a hot bath..maybe cry like a heartbroken school girl, then go to bed.

I've also decided that you should never eat anything past its expiration date. I decided that the spinich dip that was a week old was fair game..yeah not a good idea. It killed my stomach..why does it have to be so tasty?

alright fockers..I'm done here.


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