Wednesday, March 23, 2005

shes back.....

Well well well kids... I've done some thinkin and I'm deciding to bring back the bad girl for a little fun. She came out last summer and around this time last year..every couple of months just to keep things interesting.

I missed my bad girl...the one who was hot and she knew it, the one who always had somewhere to go and someone to see. basically realized that I am not the dating type..I'm not going to find someone to settle down with and I don't really know if I could anyway. That and I miss not needing an excuse to get blitzed on tequilla lol.

I guess I am just tired of giving a shit. Don't get me friends, the ones that are closest to me..I will do anything for them. But I'm sick of hearing how many problems everyone has and how depressed they are. Yeah everyone gets down and life is damn hard but some people don't realize how good they could have it. Or they do but are too damn scared to do anything about it. Some people bitch about how they don't think life is worth is yada yada and yet they don't realize that part of life is the people in it and they have friends that have sacrificed so much just to make them happy. Having that is worth it. It also pisses me off when I hardly know the person. I will always, always lend an ear to my close friends..I know they would do the same, but I have people I hardly know telling me their entire life know what? I don't care. Its too bad that daddy didn't hug you enough (or maybe too much..eww) but why should I give a shit. Unless your planning to exact revenge in my which case.."How can I help you today?"

I have a nice ass...yes you read that right. I know that I bag on myself a lot...a lot. I'm kinda tired of it. Like I said I always feel a little guilty for blowing my horn. But sometimes I think I deserve it. I'm really proud of my ass...and the twins..god bless em. Yeah sometimes I get tweaked over the attention I get..but you can't tell me when your walking down a side walk and you can hear a guy growl because he's checking you out..that doesn't excite you just a little.

Well..I have to use the potty and then dig into my cosmo..yeah I read cosmo. (I read it for the articles okay!) lol,

later all


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