Sunday, March 20, 2005

listening to:She laughed at me, by Driver. I have had this song stuck in my head for days!

hey all!

Back from Calgary..or Airdrie rather..I was up there to visit a very good friend of mine and I had a really good time.

I'm absolutly broke but that was the point lol..

We went shopping, had dinner and drinks and watched movies. The friend I ended up comming down with me had to head back Saturday night because he got called into work. It sucked because he had to drive home in a snow storm. I was worried about him and wanted to go back with him but neither one of the guys wanted me going..because I'm just that precious lol. So I stayed and slept on my friend Ryans couch. It was nice and comfy just to strech out and relax. Plus I had fun playing with his loves me :P

We got up in the morning and went and had some breaky and then headed in to Calgary and killed some time at the mall. I then went and got my nose pierced..again..haha. Poor Ryan, I thought he was going to heave. As the guy put the needle through my nose I heard Ryan go "oh,..god.." it was kinda funny because it wasn't even his nose! :P It looks great and I'm happy to have it again.

Then he drove me back to Calgary and we yakked the whole way home. It was a good time and I can't wait till we can all get together and party again.

I'm cold and hungry though so I'm going to go get some chow!

later all


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