Sunday, September 04, 2005

right now poster girl

So your going to mock me but my inspiration today comes from a Backstreet Boys song. No I haven't lost it.

Its called "Poster girl" and it reminds me of myself in a way. Kinda the "flying by the seat of my pants" attitude. Because you never really know whats going to happen.

If I wasn't so tired I would be feeling very sassy. Alas I have been spending much energy on..carnal persuits. heheh. I wish I could get paid for doing it...well with my bf. I know that you can get paid but being a whore is so not a good career venture. If I could get paid for doing it with my bf I would be freakin loaded.

okay well this blog is about as interesting as you were doing before you decided to read it.

BTW..this is for all those so called "friends" out there that I have been trying honestly trying to contact for a while now and they just don't bother to get back to me cuz...well whatever lame reason (usually a sig other) YOU SUCK!!! Seriously. You know who you all are. Shame on all of you.


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