Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Hello all!! Its been a few days and your probably all dying to know what I've been up to..lol..yeah cuz I'm just that damn exciting!

Well,I've been awake a lot haha! I actually plan on sleeping all day to catch up. I've been spending way too much time getting high..its been a total blast though. Also I've been spending my precious time with a certain previously mentioned princess.

He finally asked me to be his girlfriend at the intense prodding of like..everyone! lol. It was funny because he is this huge tough guy and he was so deathly afraid to ask me out because he is afraid of being rejected. Like I would ever turn him down. He's so damn cool! Everyone is calling us the honeymooners because we are so mushy. Its also really great because we both said right off the bat that we aren't going to be sleeping together for a while so that we can actually get to know each other and be good with each other. Its not going to be easy but its something thats really important.


Anyway...I'm listening to a song my ex sent me by Eminem and its called "I love you more" and wow..it really fits our relationship..it wasn't quite as bad but just how we both went through a lot with each other and there was a lot of angry times but we still went back to each other despite it. I think we are both at a point in our lives now though that we realize that we have to find our own happinesses..and quit falling back on each other. Don't get me wrong, I still have a lot of deep feelings and I always will for him. He has a big piece of my heart and he made me change a lot of things in my life and he will always be a part of me..and I know he feels the same way. Still, there are different kinds of love and the one we were looking for was just not in each other.

Well..enough introspective babbling for one day! hmm...my boyfriend is so sexy..lol. Time for a shower and bed...I've got some serious sleeping to do!

everyone have a good day/night..whatever! ciao~


Blogger The Goddess said...

Glad to see that y'all are official now. That's awesome. Tough guys tend to be teddy bears when you get down to it. He sounds so cute and adoring of you.

9:09 PM  

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