Friday, June 16, 2006

" On Sale" have to be my favorite two words in the english language. Especially when the sale is at La senza which is normally a tad pricey. Honestly why spend a ton of cash on something thats going to end up (hopefully) on the floor? I love pretty underoo's and what not but I have a budget. Thats why when I saw a sale I was over the moon. The best part?

My mom paid for it. Yeah I'm what. ;) *the pic at the top is what it looks like except its a bronze/goldish color* *if the picture doesn't show up..its hawt anyways *

okay okay..I know I'm going to get shit for saying this but...

I kinda like that paris hilton song "the stars are blind" its cute in a dirty flirty way. "If you show me real love baby,I'll show you mine"

Yes I understand its Paris and I'm pretty sure that love is just her code for her hoo-hoo..but still. Its fun silly summer music. Excellent for getting that special guy drunk and naked on the beach at night, while the water softly laps the Yeah not a bad song.

Well anyways its snack time.


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