Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Catch up...

I know there has been a serious lack of posting lately.. For everyone. I think its the summer weather. Everyone wants to get out and enjoy the sun and just get active.

Its seems like suddenly I'm so busy, now that my son is getting used to going out and adjusting to crowds I'm really trying to get him out more each day. For both of us! lol.

I've also been slacking off on the posts because I've been sorting through a lot of personal stuff. Usually my M.O. for dealing with my "feelings" is just not. Kind of burying them and forgetting about them. On the surface at least. The problem is, sometime or another they have to be dealt with. Its confusing because everday I feel a little bit better and a little bit stronger but then sometimes I feel a little bit crazier,angrier and a little more out of control.

Yes, a lot of it is because of my ex-fiance. I know it wouldn't make a difference to actually tell him how I really feel and what I really think about him because some people just reach a point where they are so far gone that there is only one path left for them to walk. In my heart I feel he is like that. Everyones day of judgement will come, some just come sooner than others. Sadly when it does, I don't think his will be good.

SO one part of me wants to hate him but in my heart I really just feel sad for him. He will never know the joy I know. He will never learn all the things this life has to offer. I don't believe in Hell as per say, but I think that everyone suffers at the hands of their earthly mistakes. You can either admit to the pain you have caused and forgive the pain your caused or you just continue to suffer and suffer.

OKAY!!! enough of my babble.

I was hungry so I had to take a break to get some lunch..hmm tuna! Best fish in a can ever...

Its also laundry day, other wise known as tee-shirt and boxers day because thats all I have left lol! No matter though, the shorts work out nicely in the 30 degree plus heat. They also have Homer Simpson on them...yeah sexy, I know!!! :P I have to take my son for his second round of shots today and I am sooooo not looking forward to that! I hate it when he cries, I just feel so bad for him! I wish I could get them instead. I have no problems with needles. I've had so fricken many of them. Sadly none of them were tattoo related..someday soon though!!!!!!

Well I hear him crying so I gotta run... well not run, I've been having a hard time taking off the baby weight *damn you caramel drumsticks!!!* so I don't really run. Okay..its not that bad but I need to get in some kind of shape *round is a shape* if I want to take him swimming this summer.

Peace out. K!


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