Friday, July 21, 2006


I realize in most cases that the valley girl exclaimation that I used above is usually a tad dramatic..but I think it applys to my story, plus I am a little about the drama..if you haven't picked up on that by now ;) *who me?* yeah,yeah but it keeps life exciting no?

Anyway, I was at LaSenza looking for a new bra today because its one of the few places that I can actually find the size I'm looking for and it won't look like a granny bra. I selected a few cute choices to take with me to the dressing room and got busy finding the best fit.

The dressing rooms at LaSenza are open at the top and I usually don't worry because there aren't usually that many tall enough people to really be peeping. Minor detail, there is an exit sign right outside the door to the change room I'm in.

Well turns out that the light in the exit sign happens to be burnt out and at the particular moment I happen to be shirtless...and braless I hear some guys saying "That light there?" and one of the store bimbos going "Yup" and I hear the sound of a ladder being erected. before I know it I've got my one arm across my chest trying to cover it and the other hand trying to find my shirt! Suddenly the guy on the ladder figures out that you can infact see into the dressing rooms *he was really hot too!!* and kinda goes "OH shit!" turns away and goes back down. I get dressed and momentarily debate if I should come out or just wait and pray they all go away. I sucked it up and came out. Mainly because I can't stand in the dressing room all day and it could have been worse I suppose, I wasn't completely naked. Plus I have it on good authority that its not a breast unless you see the nipple anyway LOL.

Also, he was hot....I know I mentioned that already but really, if a complete stranger is going to see me in a state of undress, it helps that he's cute.

So I came out and both of the workers are both just kinda standing there and I think he looked more embarassed than I was and just kinda gave me a little "sorry" kinda look. I just smiled and went and bought my bra and politely told the bimbo that they might want to wait until they are done fixing the sign before putting anymore people in the change room. I think she figured it out.


Blogger David Rumer said...

I remember at the Jean Sale the same thing ish happened to me... the changerooms were only eye level so everyone could totally see everyone else... and so you just chatted


9:19 AM  
Blogger The Goddess said...

something similar happened to me the last time i went out with the boys. except the security guard popped the lock on the bathroom to see me hovering over the toilet - ass everywhere. it was good times...

6:23 AM  

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