Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It really is a soap opera...and my life.

I was a little more amped up than usual today and I just had that feeling it was gonna be a fucked up day. Not bad fucked up just, weird. The kind where you wake up and say "Today is going to be a fucked up sort of day" and then you realize you said it out loud and everyone is staring at you.

I get to work and its around 1130 its pretty mundane and then all of a sudden I see a familiar face. Here is some backround before I get into todays tale. Try to keep up :)

A few years ago when I was young and foolish and living on my own *I was about 19, seems like forever ago but I digress* I met a guy *call him JR* through my best friends boyfriend at the time. He was a few years older than me and had a VERY bitchy fiance a year younger than me. He was gorgeous but I wasn't really paying attention to him since I took a liking to his fiance's younger brother *16, eww I know! that so cougar!* We ended up dating briefly but I was still a virgin (fuck off I was saving it for someone special ok!) so I didn't want anything sexual and he dumped me.

Well JR and I became friends and his fiance got all pissy because she thought there was something more sinister going on, which at the time there wasn't and it was totally innocent. At the time at least...I don't remember how it happend exactly, I would like to say I was naive and it was all his fault..but seriously I know you guys are smarter than that ;) So we started having a little thing. I was adamant about not having sex but thats not to say we didn't fool around and do other things...Alot of times though we just hung out and cuddled and talked. It took me a while but I finally wised up and realized that I was getting a raw deal and called JR on that fact. I was the other woman and I didn't want to be, so I got angry and said that if he was just with me for the sexual aspects then we should just go ahead and have sex. He wouldn't do it and I pushed him to know why. He dropped the bomb that he was in love with me and yet he was stuck where he was for the time being and that I deserved more. I told him he couldn't have it both ways so he left. That was the last of him I saw.

Until today that is.

He wandered in to my store and there he was. Still as incredibly hot as ever but there was one thing missing, his ball and chain! I decided to take a chance and say hello and we started talking. I filled him in on the baby and my ex, turns out back when JR was younger he did some short jail time with my ex LOL it is waaaay too small of a world. JR felt bad for me because he said that even back then my ex was a bit of a wing nut. What can I say, I love the ones that can hurt me the most. However unlike my ex JR has totally gotten his shit together and hasn't been in trouble with the law for almost 10 yrs. Not even a speeding ticket. Plus he has a house, car and good job. Also he is divorced from that heinous bitch :) That made me do a happy dance inside.

He bought a tee-shirt we chatted for a minute more and then he left. Then about 5 minutes later he came back to which I thank Van Wilder for the following line at my disposal "Are you stalking me now? Cuz that would be great" He smiled and told me he had "mistakenly" got an 2x large teeshirt and needed to exchange it. Seriously who doesn't check the size when they buy something, and not notice its that fucking huge. That was smooth.

I took the liberty of taking my break and inviting him to join me. We sat and talked for another half and hour and talking quickly turned into a little *or a lot* of flirting. I made sure he knew what days I worked and then headed back.

In conclusion I'm pretty excited to see if something happens but I'm going to be treading extremely carefully this time around. I don't think I would ever want a relationship from him *after all he cheated on his fiance* but well...woman has needs,Man has skills..Good times had by all. We shall see.

Also adding to this fucked up day, another guy I had a little thing with a while back wandered in. I hadn't seen him in a long while either. He also had a gf at the time we sorta hooked up. It was just kissing and this time I actually shut him down. It was an impulsive make out thing but then he got all clingy and wanted to dump his gf and be with me and I was like thank you. I know I sound really evil but I'm not I swear!

I 've never cheated while I've been dating someone and having been cheated on I know that it sucks, but if a guy is with me behind his gf's back... he's the one that'g got to deal with her when she finds out not me. Plus I think back in the day I used to prefer guys that had girlfriends because I was commitment phobic..I'm starting to think I should have stayed that way :P

The only problem is that the guys always seemed to end up falling in love with me or I'm unforgetable or something because they always tell me how amazing I was and how they still wonder about me and how stuff could have been. Or that they would still like to find out...which is what JR said to me today. Seriously why me? lol Either I'm so damn yummy that I stay in their little horny brains for a long time or I screw with them so much that they can't forget me!!!

Only time will tell. Hope at least one person makes it through this post lol :P apologies for the length.


Blogger Unknown said...

I made it all the way through the post, do I get a prize?

Tough situation, of course nobody wants to get hurt, but you also don't want to hurt other people (unless they deserve it of course).

Personally, and I am not judemental on this one, I would only go to that place with someone else if I honestly thought there was a chance of a real relationship.

7:02 AM  
Blogger that girl said...

thanks for sticking it out through the whole post. It was a rather long one!

Thats some good advice and I'm going to see how things play out. As long as I can stop flirting for like, 5 seconds!

9:05 AM  
Blogger The Goddess said...

i agree with real. you might want to tread softly with JR. although he sounds fantastic. bad boy turned around which means that he's just bad enough now to keep it interesting. i'll be emailing soon. i'm a slacker in more ways than one.

and might i add, i loved the O.N.S. reference. I was just saying the other day that I was a BAMF and thought I should get a CT 2007 if i get this new job. then you could sit in the back and eat all of the jolly ranchers i throw to you. "don't worry, i padded it."

9:45 AM  

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