Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Well today was an average day, work,baby ect...

Although one thing did irritate me just a tad.

This guy that I met ages ago back in my waitressing days *when I was a way more flirty...okay I was a tart lol* I gave him my # and he called me a few times but I kinda blew him off because he wasn't really my type and I'm fickle like that. Well I've seen him a few times over the past couple years and I've always been pleasant, making small talk for a few minutes that kind of thing and everytime I talk to him he makes sure to mention how good his job is, how nice his place is,how much cash he makes ect.

Same old story today, comes in and first off says to me " Oh your still working here?!" Uhm yeah I've only been at my current job for not even a year because I was off about 5 months..having a baby will do that to ya.

Then he goes on to tell me about the job he's at now and how he's making all this money and getting these huge bonuses and how his gf just goes shopping all day on his dime yada yada yada. And then in the next breath he drops the hint that he wishes somedays he could be single and date around and looks at me like I'm going to drop to my knees and blow him for a chance. LOL no....

Seriously there is almost nothing *besides cheating* that I find more unappealing and pathetic than a guy who has to compensate his rejection by talking himself up and trying to make me feel guilty. Why do men do that?! Honestly that has happend to me a few times. I've hooked up with a guy or two just casually and I've cut them loose for whatever reason and I've never been a bitch about it but the next time I see them they are running their mouths trying to make me jealous. Its really lame.


Blogger kiki said...

a friend of mine is like that. it's so bad. we feel we can't take him out anywhere because he's so embarrasing.

2:16 PM  
Blogger The Goddess said...

where are you?

8:46 AM  
Blogger that girl said...

my computers been screwed thanks to my I've been working on a social life haha. Its not going as planned...:P

3:44 PM  

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