Friday, May 19, 2006

Soooooo....Just to clarify what I was talking about in my comment to "AGYK" about farting infront of a guy..

What I mean by that is that while it isn't exactly kosher to go ahead and drop bombs all night while having dinner with his parents, you should be comfortable enough to let one out and not get all crazy mortified.

I mean if you've been dating someone for a long while chances are you've swapped spit,fought a few times, shared a laugh and done the mattress mambo. So why should letting a little bitty fart out disrupt the dating bliss?

All I'm saying is that when it comes to bodily functions there seems to be a relationship catch and I for one think its silly.

There are things that I think should be done in privacy, like picking a super wedgie but if I'm going to love someone they are going to have to accept me. All of me and all of the human things I do. I'm not perfect and I think it would be a lot less pressure dating if people could just relax and remember that.

I do believe it is visa versa too. Women put a lot of emphasis on "the perfect man" You know, the man who always holds the door,picks up the tab and pleasures us before worrying about himself. I do think those men exsist but in a slightly modified version. He will be all those things but at the end of the day he's going to plop down and scratch his nuts on the couch. Don't be surprised and grossed out. He still loves you and he's still that good guy.

So yes it is important to have those meaningfull conversations, hot lovin sessions and all the rest but if you can't burp or cut one and be cool with it, is it really love?


Blogger David Rumer said...

isn't it great to finally finds someone who "loves you for you"


7:00 AM  

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