Sunday, May 07, 2006

hey all...

sorry I haven't posted anything of quality in a while, I've been very busy with the little guy.

Things aren't going very great with my ex again...he kept saying he would call me back and then not do it and always had some kind of excuse. So on Thursday night he said he would call me later I told him *half joking* that he better or I would be upset. Well surprise...he didn't and I was upset. He had the nerve to call me at 7:30am (probably before he went to work) I wasn't in the mood to hear his excuse so I didn't answer. He didn't leave a mesage but whatever. I haven't called him. I told him when we started talking again that after all the cheating,lies and abuse I wasn't taking any crap from him. So its his call now.

But on to other things...

Decided to pick up "TrimSpa" diet pills today..I don't know if they will actually work but its worth a shot. I'm just getting really down about the extra weight I gained while I was pregnant. Plus I've always been on the bigger side and I want to loose a little so that I can actually keep up with my boy when he gets older. I'll keep you all up on if they actually work or if they are just another way for Anna Nicole Smith to bilk a couple more dollars until she finds another wrinkly old beau.


Blogger The Goddess said...

i feel the same about you - being closer than some of my "real" friends. so anytime you need to vent, send it on!!

I tried Trim Spa - and it controlled my appetite really well without giving me the jitters. I liked it. Keep us updated on how it's working out for you. One thing though, if it makes you repeat over and over again drunkenly, "do you like my body??" STOP.TAKING.IT. i can't have friends that i would be ashamed to be seen in public with...

7:57 AM  

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