Thursday, January 19, 2006

There is a girl I know, well I don't really know her. I guess I could say I know "of" her. Anyway there is a girl who I want to say something very important to. She will know who she is when she reads this.

I like you.

No, I don't mean that in a sexual way. I like boys very very much. This kind of like is not about that.

Now she may read this and say, "well that was awful nice of her, she seems like a good person and I like her too".

I urge this girl to first read what I have written and then think about what the words "I like you" really mean.

I like you because you are who you are, I like you because you are like nobody else. I like you because you are more than just a daughter or a fat friend or a skinny friend or a pen pal of sorts. I like you because you have faith in a higher power and even though sometimes you don't always hear him you still believe in him.

I wish that more people in your life could have just told you this, I wish more people could have shown you unconditional love and friendship instead of burdening you with their own insecurities and fears. I wish you could draw all the power you have inside your soul to fight back. I wish you could look the demon in the eyes and tell it that it won't control you anymore. It is not your power over yourself. It is its power over you. It will kill you if you allow it. You know the demon that I speak of.

I wish you could claim your spirit back for you. I wish that the truth could set you free after all the years you must have spent exhausting yourself pretending and hiding and feeling ashamed. I wish you could enjoy the life HE gave you. To not see food as the enemy, to not see yourself as the enemy. I wish your tears could release your pain but also give you hope.

I may not know exactly what to believe about HIM or exactly what you believe but I know that this is not what he wants for you and that you know it in your heart. I hope that maybe if you know even one person likes you, it may give you something inside to like yourself. I am afraid for you. I can't say that I was where you are for the same reasons but I recognize it just the same and that makes me afraid. I don't want to see you get lost so far that you don't come back. I know that may not be as important comming from me as it would be from a parent or a best friend. In my heart though I believe that you are someone who deserves to just BE.

because I like you.


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