Monday, February 13, 2006

Its not over till the fat baby

Well folks.. It looks like this is the end..for now.

I am going to be on a hiatus of sorts for those of you that are in the know.

I am having a baby!!! Sooner than I thought apperantly. My obgyn wants to induce me on Wednesday. Thats 2 weeks before my suggested due date but I'm at 38 weeks which is considered full term and he figures why bother with another 2 weeks.

So after checking my cervix, which is done internally and without being bought dinner first (ow much!!!) he decided it was soft and ready. Great? I guess.

So little Cash David will make his way into the world on Wednesday..well hopefully the same day. If I'm going to be in labor for more than some hours..I better have me some damn good drugs.

I'm really gonnna miss being able to post for a while but hopefully all my friends will keep their blogs up and keep sending emails. I'll try to get on in a few weeks to give an update. As usual I wish everyone well and want everyone to keep reaching for that star lol

Much love to all!


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