Saturday, April 01, 2006

while I'm gearing up to finish the second half of my fictional story I thought I would take a little time out to jot down some things about something I

I loves me some:
Girl Guide cookies..there goes eating healthy.damn tasty girl guides.
Sassy old country songs that remind me I don't need a man or that if they are sleezy its totally okay to take their money and run off with their best friend.
Make up,perfume and hair dye. I have a drawer full of make up and perfume that I keep because its pretty and I might wear it someday...I should also be in a 12 step program for dying my hair. I've been blonde,brunette,black,redheaded,blue, purple...yeah I miss the blue..that was hot.
Stripper see them and you go "Ugh those are so tacky" but you know that secretly you would love to try them know the ones I'm talking about, the thigh high patent leather boots or the 4 inch stillettos. Thing is I actually own a pair..calf high,4 inch lace ups with red flames that I purchased while drunk at a "love emporium" other wise know as a sex store. I wore them on Halloween and they have sat in my closet ever since..I'm waiting for a special occasion :)


Alright, a few questions for you all to chew on.

1) If you could pick any era to live which and why?
2) "Hate sex", yea or ney? (for those of you not familiar with the term its basically a bootie call with someone you don't like but do anyway out of desperation)
3) Is it really true that "pimpin ain't easy?"...just curious...


Blogger Unknown said...

I would probably chose this era, right now. A couple of reasons. If I had been born more than about 75 years ago I would not have survived childhool (more than one major illness). Second, Cell phones, computers, digital cameras, spell check, corvettes, internet porn, 500gig harddrives (this one proabably goes with the internet porn), etc. etc. etc. The biggest downside other than the potintial of all out ware is reality television. Maybe in the future we would have all this and reality tv would be outlawed.

11:13 PM  
Blogger brokenhalo76 said...

y'know what's great about the Love Boutique darlin'? haha the girl I'm dating works there. hahaha

7:59 AM  
Blogger The Goddess said...

i would choose the era my parents grew up in. they had soo much fun and still knew the value of a dollar and were responsible. they were much more mature. although i do LOVE this era as well. and with hate sex i'm going to say yea - why not? especially if it was good before. everyone wins. :-) and i would have to say after watching hustle and flow - that it's true - "it's hard out here for a pimp" - having to pimp out your friends to make ends meet... nothing more tragic than that... ;-)

8:58 AM  

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