Sunday, August 27, 2006

I have returned!!!

I'm back in my own little corner of the universe and I must say... I am ready to go again lol!

It was really nice visiting my sister and her husband in law. They live in a small *rich* town outside a city a couple hours from here. She's so lucky! Their house is huge and basically perfect..soooo jealous. Her husband is a rig pig so he rakes in good coin basically she doesn't have to work and spends her time shopping. Bitch. (jk!) She actually really cool, bought my kid a whole crap load of toys and actually looked after him for a whole day while I went shopping.

I managed to convince my parents that we HAD to go to West Edmonton mall for the day (for those of you not in the know its a huge Mofo of a mall, its got its own China town for heaven's sake!) so we went up there for a day and it was awesome. Sadly though I was limited to what I could afford so I did a lot of window shopping and I'm pretty sure there where moments where I wept a little because I wanted things so badly!

I will say this though... If the BITCH at TOMMY HILFIGER is reading some weird cosmic chance.. The next time you fucking eyeball me without even saying hello when I come into your store..your going to end up reading braile. I'm sorry but I hate it when you walk into an "classy" store and "Unless your like,totally like flashing like your luis vitton purse with like your 300$ jeans they like won't even like look at you!"
I'm not against people with money but how do they know I wasn't ready to whip out my credit card and drop ridiculous amounts of money? Which by the way I choose to do at Old Navy and MAC instead. I might not ever be rich but if I am I'm never going to treat people like garbage. I know what its like to live poor..*thats another blog* so I value what I have.

On a lighter note I must brag about a place in the food court that I am absolutly enamoured (is that a word?) (I think it is, whatever I'm not fucking Webster) with. Its a crepe place! They make sweet&savory crepe sandwiches. I thought that was the mf bomb! They didn't have a menu either, it was all of their "crepetions" but shellacked and displayed. A very creative idea I thought. So I choose the chicken teriayki crepe and it was delicious, bordering on orgasmic but I haven't been laid in a while so I don't know if it was really THAT good. Damn close though.

Also on my magic carpet ride throughout the mall I saw flamingos for the first time, penguins and sealions. ( I have actually had the pleasure of encountering a wild sealion when I was younger out in the ocean but it was still neat to see them)
I also just stood in the Swarvoski crystal store for a while and try not to touch anything or say "I want that" more than 50 times in a row. I also did the same at Birks and a few half dozen other jewlery stores. I also did it at Ben & Jerrys. *Damn my lactose interolenance*

I could go on and on about my marvels..and I probably will but I am still recouping so I think this will do


Blogger kiki said...

i dated a girl who's surname was Swarovski... THE Swarovski!

6:11 PM  
Blogger that girl said...

sweet..did you get any bling from her? :)

8:50 PM  
Blogger kiki said...

nah, she left a jacket and some books at my house, becuase they were too much to take on the plane back to Germany

9:57 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

Mmmm.... so many crepes.

8:31 AM  

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