Monday, August 28, 2006

Tommorrow my baby is getting his shots again and once again I am filled with the same sense of guilt I get everytime he is due to get them.

I know they are a good thing in the long run but I feel so freaking bad! I can't explain to him why he has to get all those needles and I know that is one of the primary reasons they give them this young. So they don't remember, however try listening to your kid cry in pain and not feel bad about it. Sucks big time.

List of things to do for today:

1) Laundry... that means braving the monster under my bed to retrieve all my socks.
also I have to clean out my drawers so that I have less to move upstairs.
2) Do nails,shave stems ect. Things I have been putting off because I've had nobody to impress. ITs time to start impressing myself. I like silky smooth legs and have them I shall.
3) Feed,change,entertain small drooling infant that is my better. Really, I seriously believe he is smarter than me.
4) Cook something, clean something.
5) Finish reading my maxim.

Got any ideas of things I should do today? leave yours suggestions...:P


Blogger The Goddess said...

ooo you should take a nap. that's what i would do!!

apparently i can still check blogs at work...yay!! but not email. sad. so i'll keep up with you still.

9:17 AM  
Blogger that girl said...

N-a-p? WTF?! people still do that? lol. See the time I have for napping is used for laundry/cooking/baby. I'm sure I'll catch up when he hits puberty hehe.

10:33 AM  

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