Friday, September 01, 2006

My poor boy, his teeth are really bothering him and theres not much you can do besides give some infant tylenol and orajel which numbs the gums for a bit. It must be so painful and he is trying to bite everything and anything *counter pressure* I try my best to sooth him but it gets tough after a while when nothing seems to be helping.

I was holding him and all of a sudden he chomps on my shoulder *erotic when done by lovers,not so much by an angry 6month old* Let me tell you, that shit hurts!!

My mom offered to give him his bottle and settle him down so I could have a break after that. I have a really short fuse and I know he's only a baby and I would NEVER EVER hurt him but I get really pissy. I don't wanna take it out on him so its nice to be able to hand him over to my mom for a bit.

I'm so friggin exhausted, haven't been sleeping well because Cash keeps waking up because of his teeth and when I am sleeping I'm having stupid nightmares. I read somewhere that you can encourage your self to lucid dream, where your half asleep and half awake and you can control your dreams. I should try that. Or maybe I'll just think happy thoughts and see if that works.

What helps you guys settle down when you can't sleep?

I used to drink warm milk but now with the lactose thing I don't think thats a great idea.

Maybe a hot bath.. yeah..I'm off to the tub!



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